Thursday, 28 February 2019


During a crit with my peers, I explained my ideas with the single publication that was cross platform between print and digital. They were all very positive towards my idea and said I should start creating some physical work for it instead of just ideas.

There was only one thing that needed to be changed and that was the content within. Unfortunately I did not consider the target audience well enough for this project. It was made clear to me that whoever would read the classic Rapunzel probably wouldn't be interested in the digital format side of the publication. This is more of a children's book and would be best suited for children obviously. My target audience is obviously someone interested in independent publishing and attracted to this abstract style of book making. For this reason I was advised to change the content to an article of some manner. This article could relate to my essay question to give the book more context when reading and interacting with it. It could also be a piece of text taken from one of the sources I used in my essay.

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