Thursday, 10 January 2019


To begin my practical work I had to strongly consider my written work and have a clear response to it, using my designer skills. My written work discussed the difference between physically printed books and publications. It then compares them to the digital alternative, e-books for instance and explores both sides of the argument which is why people favour the online alternative to the printed.

The way I would like to show this in the form of practical work, is by creating a two part series of books with a twist. The first issue of the book would be completely accessible physically and offer elements which you just could not find on the digital alternative. For instance, nice print quality, carefully considered paper stock and top quality binding. The second book will only be accessible via a website link. This issue will feature things only available through digital media, such as animations, interactions and other spontaneous online features. Having the two books will visually represent my essay quite well in a non biased way featuring both pros and cons that would be inaccessible to each other.

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