Thursday, 12 April 2018

Printing Lino

Printing Lino

After cutting the lino into a few different initials I thought I should try testing them out before printing on the membership cards. This would help me decide if any alteration would have to be made before printing onto my actual product. I used some black ink after my research into Hayley Wall and hoped that some form of texture would emerge from this. 

After a few test prints I realised that some prints specifically this one of the initials LT were quite unclear. The type didn't even look like the original type selected. This was a negative however the positive was that there was a decent texture emerging here. To get the full texturised effect I wanted I would have to perhaps have to use a bit less ink. After this mistake I went back to the link block and cut them a bit deeper to try and recover the blocks.

After cutting the lino blocks a bit deeper I re-printed them again and the results were far better. As you can see now the letters are completely clear and almost completely white with the paper stock behind. There is also a completely clear and obvious texture shown around the type. All I need to do now is print them onto the membership cards. The great thing about these textures emerging is that it is totally random and out of my control. If I did this fully digital it would be a lot harder to make each print individual but this format just does it all automatically. 

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